I needed this today

Since you know, the rest of the world is melting down.
Here's a really old sentence. "This was originally a vine." It still makes me laugh every time.
i think that andrew luck should be sent to prison
— Jon Bois (@jon_bois) August 25, 2019
I love when people do stuff like this where it completely subverts what the original video showed by simply reversing it.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHaxi4GTYDpJgMSGy7AeSw Michael Reeves is by far one of the best YouTubers out there right now. Well worth the subscribe and watching most of the back catalog if you haven't seen any of it yet.
A short film detailing the life of a rock. In many ways I feel like the rock. I just want to sleep a lot.
saw mona lisa pic.twitter.com/pvNf6clum5
— Jon Bois (@jon_bois) June 12, 2019